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“I did. Now I don’t”
Marriage expert explains why divorces are on the rise and why a lasting marriage takes more than just love
Despite many dating resources available for Americans to choose the “right” match, divorce rates have not decreased. Relationship master and bestselling author Hellen Chen holds love workshops to teach singles and couples how to love.
The United Nations Statistics Division collects official data on marriage and divorce from over 200 countries on an annual basis and its recent statistics showed United States ranking at #5 in the world in divorce rate.
Recent studies by CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) indicated that the ratio of new marriages to divorce is 2:1. That means, for every 2 new marriages, there is 1 divorce case happening.
This has been one of the highest number recorded in the US.
There are more tools than ever available online for profile matchmaking and for gaining accessibility to a larger pool of eligible singles. Compared to 40 years-50 ago, Americans are spending more years dating or co-habiting before tying the knot.
Yet such “careful” selection has not reduced the divorce rate overall.
“One the reasons behind divorces is the complete lack of marriage education in couples.” explained marital expert and bestselling author Hellen Chen.
“There are classes for sciences and technologies and the study of human behavior but there are actually no lessons taught to a young person about how to fulfill the role of a husband or wife.” said Chen, who has written 22 books on marriage and relationships and who has traveled around the globe giving seminars on marriage management.
“People generally know more about their iPhones than how to be a spouse.” Chen smiled.
There have been great emphasis on academic achievements and what kind of jobs one would have when one graduates. Unfortunately the much needed subtle art of managing a relationship and how to be a wife or husband are seldom taught except in certain homes.
“Singles think that if they only date enough, they would have gained experience. However, the more they date, and experience breakups, they more they get confused about who they should marry.” said Chen in a iHeart radio interview.
Chen also pointed out that being divorced once or twice unfortunately does not make a person better in managing a future relationship. If one does not learn what he or she is doing to contribute to the past failures, he or she will commit the same mistake.
To increase marriage education and awareness for the public, Chen started a series of workshops to teach singles and couples how to create a relationship that lasts.
Chen said, “We have been taught to walk away from problems. If you don’t like a job, quit. If you don’t like your parent, just stop talking to them. If you don’t like your spouse, divorce. Thus through these workshops, we encourage people to take a different attitude. Instead of saying, ‘Who cares?’ Why not say, What can I do to be there for you?’ or ‘How can I learn to be a better wife or husband or parent or child?”
Having brought together many married couples who had been resistive about marriage in the first place and then helping them to stay in marriage afterwards, Chen also shares real-life stories in her book “The Matchmaker of the Century” which has become a number bestseller in marriage books at Barnes and Noble.

Hellen Chen educating her audience about love and marriage during her seminar.
Chen’s next love seminar event will be held on Jan 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Dubai.
For more information on the Love Seminar or Ms Hellen Chen, please send your EMAIL HERE.
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