Purchase Hellen Chen's Books

01 Hellen Chen 總裁說
Housewife Hellen Chen did not dream that she would become the President of a management group. Her philosophy of "every mistake is Hellen's fault" makes her the easy target of bullying employees. Yet, she manages to melt the hearts and win the respect of her unruly crew. How did she do it? Let this book open your eyes of one-of-a-kind management style unseen in the world of big corporations.
Price: $20

02 Hellen Chen 世紀大媒婆
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Price: $20

03 Hellen Chen 從友達到心橋
A highly-paid engineer from AU Optronics, large technology firm in Taiwan, made the decision to leave his high profile career and join an unknown company. What answers are he looking for in life that he could not find in his well-envied career? Let this book share with you a real-life story of how no money can buy the value of true happiness and following one's heart and dreams.
Price: $20

04 Hellen Chen 我的爸爸陳宗顯
A heartwarming story of how a father, who may not be the best husband in his wife's eyes, or the most trusted man in his father-in-law's viewpoint, becomes the most perfect father in his daughter's world. If you want to know what is 'love', you must read this book.
Price: $20

05 Hellen Chen 陳顧問時間1
You would not think about travelling to a foreign destination without at least a road map or instructions from someone who has travelled that way before. How about life itself? Consultant guides you towards your destination. 'Problem' expert, consultant, speaker Hellen Chen has travelled all over the world, helping many men and women to achieve bigger successes in their lives. She gives advices on success management on national and international TV and has been invited to lecture in private and public groups.
Price: $20

06 Hellen Chen 新娘訓練班
There are more and more single men and women in the society today where they have a hard time finding a suitable partner to have a meaningful relationship. Knowing how to have a good marriage is not knowledge that just comes 'naturally' or pass down from the older generation. Perhaps the most important training one needs is the skill of how to maintain and have a real meaningful love relationship.
Price: $20

07 Hellen Chen 媒情舞台
Matchmaker Hellen Chen takes men and women onto the stage of marriage and helps them fulfill their roles of a happy partner. There is no secret 'code' to finding true love. Hellen Chen shares real solutions from her many years of matchmaking experiences to solve common problems in love and marriages.
Price: $20

08 Hellen Chen 陳顧問時間2
Life is not about being concerned about problems and obstacles in front of you. If you overcome a big problem, your happiness level goes proportionally as big. If you solve a small problem, your happiness level stays at a small level. Anyone who does not want to have problems, he or she will never be happy. Consultant Hellen Chen answers common questions about life in a Q and A book. Read this book to get real answers to larger problems of life and experience huge happiness!
Price: $20

09 Hellen Chen 我是如何失敗的
Most books talk about being successful and how to achieve success. Author Hellen Chen takes readers to a journey of 'failures' in life. Failures are not scary. However, what is devastating is one does not know how his failures come about. Failures could be your best friend - know how you fail well and you will start leading a life, where YOUR dreams come true.
Price: $20

10 Hellen Chen 生活藝術家
Life itself is a big canvas and you can draw anything you want in it. Living itself is art. Hellen Chen shows you how to live the life YOU want and make this your beautiful life. Life artist, consultant, speaker Hellen Chen has travelled all over the world, helping many men and women to achieve bigger successes in their lives.
Price: $20

11 Hellen Chen 等你一千個日子
In a world of instant gratification, 'waiting' seems to be unwanted and unappreciated, especially cultivating the relationship between 2 persons or personal transformation. This book contains real-life stories of the relationship between the author and 22 individuals, how the act of 'waiting' has transformed lives.
Price: $20

12 Hellen Chen 如何撒嬌
"Sweet Talking" is an actual social skill that will determine a person's success or failure in life! Even a young girl knows that if she could 'sweet talk' to her dad, her dad would buy her ice-cream or anything she wants! Parents could learn how to sweet talk to their children. A wife could enhance the quality of her marriage by sweet talking to her husband. This is a life skill that is as vital as drinking water. The best thing is nobody gets tired of 'sweet talking'. Understand and learn how to sweet talk. You will become a happy creative artist of life itself!
Price: $20

13 Hellen Chen 有情人1
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Price: $20

14 Hellen Chen 有情人2
There are certain conditions that are incidental to a good marriage and a good relationship. Know what these conditions are and let Consultant Chen -- author, matchmaker and relationship expert - guide you on a personal transformational journey. If you could transform yourself, there is a chance that a happy rewarding relationship could just be in your hands very soon.
Price: $20

15 Hellen Chen 敗犬站起來
There are many single men and women who did not choose to be single. But as they age, looking for a suitable better-half becomes more and more difficult. Especially for women. A Japanese author coined a term for women who are above 30 years old, and yet not able to find a suitable marital partner. They are called "Defeated Dog" or "underdog". Even for couples who are married, if their marriage quality is poor and there's general unhappiness, there are very specific reasons behind and the "underdog" symptoms are clear. How about for single men? Actually, men who could not find a suitable spouse is just another type of "underdog". Let Consultant Chen, author, matchmaker and relationship expert reveal the real secrets of why relationships and marriages fail and how to turn defeat in relationships into victory!!
Price: $20

16 Hellen Chen 離婚黑皮書
Author, Matchmaker and Relationship Expert, Hellen Chen, shed a different light on divorces. A divorce, a separation, usually comes with it pain, unhappiness and scars that are hard to heal. However, Hellen gives practical answers for individuals who are going through a divorce or experiencing difficult relationships or just feeling apprehensive of marriage. Getting into marriage or going through a divorce is not scary. But remaining ignorant about these topics is the culprit of bad decisions and bad relationship experiences. While Hellen has been happily married for over 20 years, as a consultant, speaker, author and matchmaker, Hellen has travelled all over the world, helping many men and women find their perfect matches and resolving marital problems.
Price: $20

17 Hellen Chen 陳顧問時間3
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Price: $20

18 Hellen Chen 如何愛你的父母
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Price: $20

19 Hellen Chen 遊走刀鋒的外遇
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Price: $20

20 Hellen Chen 做自己
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Price: $20

21 Hellen Chen 人生必修10堂課
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Price: $20

22 Hellen Chen 尋情歷險坊
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Price: $20

23 Hellen Chen 說話的藝術
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Price: $20

24 Hellen Chen 說話的藝術2
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Price: $20

25 Hellen Chen 說話的藝術3
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Price: $20

26 Hellen Chen 夢想與妄想
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Price: $20

27 Hellen Chen 我愛故我在
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Price: $20

28 Hellen Chen 築夢者之書
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Price: $20