A Workshop
on how to increase mental and body energy, focus, immune system, sharpness of the mind.



“[陳海倫]積極推廣...生活成功管理學” --商業周刊
Procrastination, Bad Mood, Tiredness, Can't Focus, Forgetfulness, Having dull senses, Migraines, Frequent small illnesses...
What is the cause of these problems? Is it your neglect or are there hidden enemies in your body sabotaging you?
Every day through
- chemically processed food
- water and air pollution
- 1st and 2nd hand smoke
- Radiation from cell phone and electronic devices
- cleaning materials, hair spray, cosmetic products...
We take in massive amount of harmful chemicals toxins into our body.

Did you know?
Most of these toxins stay inside your body's fatty tissues, including brain tissue -- and never get eliminated with conventional ways!
Do you Feel Some of These Symptoms:
- Fatigue
- Sleeplessness
- Your thinking slowing down
- Your vision becomes blurry or your smell perception is not as sharp.
- Mental tiredness and not able to focus
- Forgetfulness
- Mood swings,
- Fighting with your loved ones,
- Make mistakes at work...
- And you get sick or have accidents...

"My pregnancy went very smoothly. And I am now the proud mom of 2 healthy kids!"
You are NOT having "bad luck."
You are simply having a body that is laden with chemical toxins accumulated for many years!
Here Are Some Major Lies You Have Been Told:
(A) You are simply getting older
(B) It is the price you pay to live in a productive world.
(C) Doesn't everyone get sick occasionally?
You've been lied to!
You even think you can always solve the problem by taking more medicine. Or take some nutrition or energy drinks or try special diet or herbs etc...
But the truth is:
- Your body is already over-polluted.
- Your mental energy is drained.
- Yet you are constantly bombarded with new chemical toxins every day which are already in your environment!
If you do not clear up old garbage inside your body first, anything you put inside your body will have little effect if at all!

"My mental alertness improved and I could perform much better at my job without getting tired for no reason. I encourage anyone who wants to succeed in their career to do this program"
Another lie is:
Harmful chemicals will be eliminated by the body naturally. Some toxins do get released through bowel movement and sweat.
But many resistive ones stay within your body's fatty tissue for a long time -- and play havoc with your liver, lung, kidney, heart, brain and other organs.
Those organs simply have to work too hard –to keep cleaning out the huge amount of this bad stuff coming into the body.
If and when those organs get tired, your life becomes unhappy, stressed, lifeless and often right down sick and unable to function.
The truth is, in today's world, one cannot prevent these harmful toxins and radiation from invading your body!!
Car engines, air filters, houses, and bodies do get dirty and need to be cleaned out every so often.
We know that – and we do so regularly – and we spend time and money on it.
So why NOT do the same with our body?

"As a movie producer, I am constantly challenged by deadlines and creation of new ideas. This program helps me to act swiftly to solve problems, without the negative feeling of frustration."
“The Breakthrough Purification Program”
A Detoxification Program to Eliminate Toxic Chemicals and Harmful Radiation from Your Body

Give your body a thorough " clean-up" and get rid of harmful toxins through a scientifically proven detoxification program.
How Does The Purification Program Work?
- Harmful toxins can lodge within the fatty tissues of a body and thus make it extremely hard to eliminate them by simply sweating or bowel movement.
- The purification program uses specific nutrition, oils with the combination of hot saunas. (Hot saunas have been used for detoxification for thousands of years but only recently, it has been used with scientific methods to get rid of toxins)
- Exposure to heat after certain specific nutrition and exercise for specific times will flush out even some of the most resistant bad chemicals.
- In about a month or two, anyone can take out most of the polluting and bad chemicals from the body.
A Workshop How To Get Rid Of Harmful Toxins From Your Body For Good!
(Regular price: 300NT. Admission for Linkedin connections and referrals is free.)
- Increase body energy
- Improve mental focus
- Get a positive outlook
- Improve your body's immune system to fight back diseases.
- Achieve sharpness of the mind.
Location: No. 178 Fuxing North Road (Second Floor) Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104
Tel: 02-8712-2800
Workshop Day: (Check below for the exact dates)
If Harmful Toxins Which Erodes Your Body Can Be Eliminated, How Much More Can You Achieve In Your Life?
A tired father will be irritated and will NOT devote the playing time with his kids as he should – not so after the purification program.
A tired mind will NOT find solutions to the every day situations or problems, and thus will fall behind, financially and socially. – NOT so after having gotten rid of the bad stuff in the body.
A body, which is exhausted - not from real hard labor work - but just exhausted due to his organs not working as they should anymore because of an overload of pollution, usually has problem sleeping, and a vicious spiral towards unhappiness and un-productiveness, even illness is un-stoppable.
NOT so after those bad side effects of chemicals and smog are gone because the chemicals and radiation are gone.
A marriage that is filled with upsets can actually become pleasant again due to getting rid of harmful toxins which are affecting the mood and emotion of a person.
You can become full of life and energy – mentally and bodily !!

"As a martial arts teacher, mental clarity and energy are vital to me. After this program, I feel my body lighten up and I could think clearer. I am able to resolve daily problems much easier!"
The Works of Heartbridge Consulting Company Have Been Featured In

Not All Bodies Can Be Helped The Same Way
We must pay great attention to your situation to determine the right way to get your body into better mental and bodily capacity by taking out the residuals of the harmful toxins.
A Workshop How To Get Rid Of Harmful Toxins From Your Body For Good!
(Regular price: 300NT. Admission for Linkedin connections and referrals is free.)
- Increase body energy
- Improve mental focus
- Get a positive outlook
- Improve your body's immune system to fight back diseases.
- Achieve sharpness of the mind.
Location: No. 178 Fuxing North Road (Second Floor) Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104
Tel: 02-8712-2800
Workshop Day: (Check below for the exact dates)
How Much More Abuse Can Your Body Take And For How Long?
Have you noticed that tired people, will do even less of what is needed despite the fact that they know what should be done ?
Don't let your mind and your body get to this state –
And if you are already feeling like all day's a gray and the future is kind of vague and uneventful, you might not have much time left before you succumb and get full blown depressed.
Again, it's not your fault.
There are indeed very few conditions in life which will bring about a more sad existence as a slow thinking slow acting too tired to care body and mind.
And it's not even about getting older. Due to our environment, even the young feel as equally affected as the old.
And few actions than purifying your body will bring great and wider reaching benefits.
Every day with a clouded mind and an exhausted body is a wasted day and cannot be caught up with.

"After the purif program, my energy level went UP! I no longer feel easily tired and could spend more time with my son!"
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do I need to take any medication for this purification program?
A: This is a natural process that requires no medication. In fact, most medication taken unfortunately stays within the body for a long long time. Our purification program will even help you get rid of residues of all medications you have ever taken.
Q: I eat healthy food and I exercise. Why should I do this program?
A: All of us are exposed to these chemical toxins that stay inside our body through the food we eat, the air we breath in, and the water we drink. If your goal is to have greater energy, mental clarity and focus and a calmer state of mind, this program will help you!
Q: Since we cannot avoid breathing in bad air or eat unhealthy food, why should I do this program since after this program is done, my body will accumulate the chemical toxins again?
A: That's a great question. Our program will get rid of a massive amount of chemical toxins in your body. Because now you have a cleaner body, you will be less affected by new toxins -- period. And are able to keep up your mental energy and mood and health much easier than before!
About Hellen Chen's Heart Bridge Consulting:

Hellen Chen, President of Heartbridge Consulting
Hellen Chen's Heart Bridge Consulting is most well-known for assisting individuals to achieve goals related to work performance, career advancement. mental clarity, betterment of relationships in family and marriage and achievement of a healthy body and a healthy mind.
The founder Hellen Chen is an international speaker and has lectured to tens of thousands of individuals around the world. She is a bestselling author of 26 books.
Chen's works in family, marriage and personal developments are featured in over 200 media publications in 20 countries.